Newly discovered rainbow-colored fish lives in the ocean's 'twilight zone'
The male rose-veiled fairy wrasse showcases a stunning variety of colors as an adult.
Far beneath the waves surrounding the Maldives, there's a living rainbow in the ocean's "twilight zone." Say hello to the rose-veiled fairy wrasse, a colorful species of fish that's new to science.
この魚は”Cirrhilabrus finifenmaa”という学名を持ち、海面から40メートルから70メートルのところで生息が確認された。
The fish, which bears the scientific name Cirrhilabrus finifenmaa, was found living at depths ranging from 131 to 229 feet (40 to 70 meters) beneath the ocean's surface.
The name honors the fish's stunning pink hues, as well as the pink rose, the national flower of the Maldives. "Finifenmaa" means "rose" in the local Dhivehi language.
The waters of the Maldives are home to a hundreds of species of fish.
数百の種類の生物がその諸島国家を囲う海にすんでいるが、この魚はモルディブ出身の科学者によって説明される最初の魚である。その科学者は"Ahmed Najeeb"。この魚に関しての研究は火曜日に"the journal ZooKeys"に登載された。
While hundreds of species thrive in the waters near and surrounding the archipelago nation, this is the first fish to be described by a Maldivian scientist -- Ahmed Najeeb. A study describing the fish published Tuesday in the journal ZooKeys.
"It has always been foreign scientists who have described species found in the Maldives without much involvement from local scientists, even those that are endemic to the Maldives," said study coauthor Najeeb, a biologist at the Maldives Marine Research Institute, in a statement.
"This time it is different and getting to be part of something for the first time has been really exciting, especially having the opportunity to work alongside top ichthyologists on such an elegant and beautiful species."
A fish by any other name
この魚は誤認された歴史を持つ。研究者が最初に見つけたのは1990年代だが、彼らは成魚のCirrhilabrus rubrisquamisかレッドベールフェアリーベラに属すると考えた。"その誤認された魚"は、モルディブから1000km南のチャゴス諸島で発見された1匹の稚魚からのみ説明されていた
The fish has a history of mistaken identity. Researchers first found it in the 1990s, but they thought it was an adult belonging to Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis, or the red velvet fairy wrasse. This different species had only been described from a single juvenile fish found 621 miles (1,000 kilometers) south of the Maldives in the Chagos Archipelago.
"主に明るくカラフルな魚の種であるベラは成長する過程で色が変わるとして知られている。"と筆頭著者であり、カリフォルニア科学アカデミーの魚類学学芸員のLuiz Rochaはメールの中で述べた。
Wrasses, a family of largely bright colored fishes, have been known to change in color as they transition from juveniles to adults, said senior study author Luiz Rocha, the California Academy of Sciences curator of ichthyology, in an email.
While the juveniles of many species look alike, it's the adults who carry distinguishing characteristics, he said.
学名Cirrhilabrus finifenmaaはモルディブの国花であるピンクのバラにちなんで名付けられた。
The scientific name Cirrhilabrus finifenmaa is a nod to the pink rose, the Maldivian national flower.
"数か月前、筆頭著者であるYi-Kai Teaはチャゴスの遠隔操作探査機から成魚の映像を受け取ったが、その魚はモルディブの成魚とはとても異なっていた"とRochaは述べた。この時、我々はこのモルディブに生息する魚がチャゴスのと異なる種類であると確信した。
"A few months ago, Yi-Kai Tea (our first author) received (remotely operated vehicle) footage from Chagos showing adults, which were very different from the adults from the Maldives," Rocha said. "That's when we decided that the species from the Maldives was new and different from C. rubrisquamis."
In their study, the researchers focused on the details of adults and juveniles, analyzing the height of the spines supporting their dorsal fins, counting scales and cataloging the colors of the adult males.
The rose-veiled fairy wrasse adult males have a unique color pattern including bright magenta, peach, orange-pink and dark purplish-red.
Discovering that finifenmaa and rubrisquamis were two separate species can help scientists understand the range of these fish, which becomes especially important when trying to protect them.
左からAhmed NajeebとLuiz Rocha。モルディブでの調査中、彼らが集めた複数の魚を調べている
(From left) Ahmed Najeeb and Luiz Rocha inspect some fish they collected during a recent expedition in the Maldives.
"以前私たちは1種類の魚が広く生息していると考えていましたが、実際は異なる2種類の魚で、それらは潜在的にはるかに限られた分布に生息していました"と筆頭著者であり、シドニー大学博士課程の学生のYi-Kai Teaは述べた。"これはなぜ新種の生物を説明したり、一般的な分類学が保護や生物多様性管理にとって重要なのかの例である"
"What we previously thought was one widespread species of fish, is actually two different species, each with a potentially much more restricted distribution," said lead author Yi-Kai Tea, a University of Sydney doctoral student, in a statement. "This exemplifies why describing new species, and taxonomy in general, is important for conservation and biodiversity management."
The name may be new, but the rose-veiled fairy wrasse is already a target of the aquarium hobby trade.
”その種類はとても豊富で現在は乱獲の恐れはないが、その魚が学名を持つ前に商業利用されている場合、不安が残ります”とRochaは述べた。また、カリフォルニア科学アカデミーの"Hope for Reefs"の共同ディレクターはこう述べた。"どのくらい生物多様性が残っているかを物語るのは、サンゴ礁の生態系である"
"Though the species is quite abundant and therefore not currently at a high risk of overexploitation, it's still unsettling when a fish is already being commercialized before it even has a scientific name," said Rocha, also a codirector of the California Academy of Sciences Hope for Reefs initiative. "It speaks to how much biodiversity there is still left to be described from coral reef ecosystems."
Exploring 'twilight zone' reefs
"The Hope for Reefs"の初期の目標はサンゴ礁を調査し、保護することである。先月"The Hope for Reefs"とモルディブ海洋調査機関の調査者がモルディブの弱光層のサンゴ礁調査におけるいくつかのを実施した
The Hope for Reefs initiative aims to research and restore coral reef systems. Last month, researchers from Hope for Reefs and the Maldives Marine Research Institute surveyed some of the Maldives' twilight zone reefs.
These reefs can be 160 to 500 feet (50 to 150 meters) beneath the ocean's surface and provide a unique environment for fish like fairy wrasses.
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"It's a really different environment: It's darker (because the water functions as a filter absorbing light, so the deeper you go, the darker it gets) and colder," Rocha said. "There are much fewer corals, and almost no algae (because of the lack of light), so the fish community is very different and most fish at this depth feed on plankton (tiny marine invertebrates that live in the water column)."
The recent dives, funded by an award from Rolex, show just how difficult it is to survey the largely unexplored twilight zone reefs -- located below recreational diving limits. The divers must use rebreathers and helium mixed into the gas they breathe to avoid the negative effects of breathing oxygen under so much pressure, in addition to using an abundance of gear that requires a lot of training, Rocha said.
But it's well worth it, according to the researchers.
"Diving there is like visiting another planet," Rocha said. "We are always the first ones to see those reefs, and always find new species. It is very challenging, but also very exciting!"
Divers prepare to explore the twilight zone reefs of the Maldives during a recent expedition.
During the recent surveys, the research team found more of the rose-veiled fairy wrasse as well as at least eight potential new species of fish.
The California Academy of Sciences and the Maldives Marine Research Institute are continuing their partnership to explore more Maldivian reefs in the future.
"Our partnership will help us better understand the unexplored depths of our marine ecosystems and their inhabitants," Najeeb said. "The more we understand and the more compelling scientific evidence we can gather, the better we can protect them."
"We hope to collect a few more specimens of the other eight new species we recently found," Rocha said. "Additionally, we are closely working with our Maldivian partners to keep using Maldivian names in our species."
twilight zone:弱光層、薄暮地帯、光の届かない場所。つまり深海?
Senior Author、First Author、Primary Author、Lead Author:筆頭著者
nod to:~を考慮して
It speaks to:~を物語る
left to do:~に任せる
the water column:表面から底質への水の概念的な柱のこと
the 比較級, the 比較級:~するほどに~する


